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Student Flights

Looking for cheap student flights? StudentUniverse UK has got you covered. To access our student deals all you need to do is sign up for a FREE membership so we can verify your student status. There are also plenty of travel deals available to all young people (18-25 year-olds). Wherever in the world you want to fly, StudentUniverse UK can help you get there at the best possible price.

Student Hotels & Hostels

If you’re going to be travelling the world, you’re going to need somewhere to stay while you’re doing it. Booking accommodation with StudentUniverse UK can help students save up to 40% off hotels and hostels, saving you money to have the best possible time on your trip.

Student Tours

You’ve arrived in your dream destination. Now it’s time to get out there and make the most of it! Tours are a great way to experience the best of a country, guided by experts and meeting like-minded travel mates. StudentUniverse UK works with partners all over the world to offer you the best travel tours with huge student and youth discounts and deals.

We Help Students Travel the World

StudentUniverse UK empowers students and young people to travel the world. We offer student discounts, youth fares, and top deals on flights, hotels, tours, groups, and more. We are on a mission to make global experiences possible. We believe that travel is essential to a modern education and that students and young people return enlightened and inspired. Millions of students use our service every year. So whether you’re a student or young person hungry to see as much of the world as possible or simply looking for cheap flights home in the holidays, you’ll find the best deals here at StudentUniverse UK.