• Create an Account or Log In

    Create an account and sign in and you'll automatically earn points with every order.

  • Start Earning Points

    Get 3 points for every $1 spent on every order.

  • Claim Your Rewards

    Cash in rewards points for discounts and free CBD!

Start Earning Points

Ways to Earn

There are so many ways to earn points! Start by getting 250 points just for creating an account. Then, get 3 points for every $1 spent on every order for life!

Get 3 Points for Every $1 Spent
Create an Account: 250 Points
Celebrate a Birthday: 500 Points
Refer a Friend: 1000 Points
Like Our Facebook: 50 Points
Share Our Facebook: 50 Points
Follow Us on Instagram: 50 Points

Refer Your Friends & Family

How Referrals Work

Introduce your friends and family to CBD for Life, and you'll both score savings! Click on the rewards widget on the bottom right hand sided of the page to learn more.

What They Get: $10 off their first purchase.
What You Get: 1000 points when they purchase.

How to Save

Redeem your points

Redeem your points to get exclusive discounts and rewards! The more you shop, the more you'll save!

500 points = $5 Off
1000 points = $10 Off
2500 points = $25 Off
3000 points = FREE Pink Lemonade CBD Gummies ($35 value)
5000 points = FREE Rub Love Trio ($56 value)

Save Big With Points For Life

The more you spend the more you earn! Cash in your points for special savings and rewards!

Check your points, redeem rewards, and refer your friends all from the rewards widget on the bottom right hand side of your screen.

Create an account or sign in to start earning rewards today!